Rebound Wall Drills

Soccer Wall Workout

Do these drills 15 minutes a day, 6 days a week, and you will double your ability with a ball. Do these drills 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, and you will become a major force with the ball. What type of player do you want to be?

Follow these instructions:

1) The close drills are treated like the punching bag for boxers- quick rhythmic rapid-fire succession.
3) Be on the balls of foot - do NOT do these flat footed.
4) Players should find rhythm and then speed up to the fastest possible pace. Do these at the edge of control!
5) Having music really helps

PHASE I Passing/ Receiving/ Shooting- Ground (be 2-3 steps from the wall)

1. 2 touch
• inside foot, receiving and passing
• switch feet after 1 min to 3 min
• have a rhythm to the passing with a bounce in your step

2. 1 touch
• working on passing technique: passing foot with toe up, locked position, strike through the center of the ball, eye on the ball the whole time, plant foot pointed towards your target
• slow and perfect technical ability on every pass
• switch feet after 1 min to 3 min

3. 2 touch - stop with sole
• play with inside and collect with sole and repeat
• get body behind ball on reception
• switch feet after 1 min to 3min

4. 2 touch - rectangle 2 feet
• one-foot plays ball against wall and same foot touches it to opposite foot and that foot repeats that pattern
• continue this rectangle shape

5. 2 touch triangle
• one foot plays against wall opposite foot touches it back to passing foot
• continue pattern, should be triangle, get a rhythm
• switch feet after 1 min to 3 min

6. 1 touch laces (one foot at a time)
• tap ball against with laces
• good rhythm, on your toes
• switch feet after 1 min to 3 min

7. 1 right, 1 left insides
• using both feet, quickly adjusting body

8. 1 right, 1 left laces
• using both feet, quickly adjusting body

PHASE II Passing/Receiving/Shooting- Air (be 5-7 yards from the wall)

1. laces
• throw or pass the ball against the wall
• after 1 bounce bring the ball down with your laces
• be moving forward as you trap it.
• throw or pass back to the wall again

2. thigh
• same thing but bring the ball under control with your thigh
• throw or pass the ball back to the wall again

3. head
• throw ball at wall and head it back
• practice proper technique: eye on the ball, bend at the waist, look to your target

4. volleys
• with the ball into your hands, drop kick the ball into wall with your laces
• have no looping balls- use proper technique with your knee above the ball and your toe pointed down

PHASE III Turning (be 3-5 yards from the wall)

1. inside foot
• play ball at wall receive it and turning using inside of foot and make complete circle and play ball back against wall.
• switch feet after 1 min to 3 min
• first touch should always be starting your turn, across body

2. outside foot
• same instructions as above only using the outside of your foot
• switch feet after 1 min to 3 min

3. sole grab
• play wall and turn sideways
• let ball roll across body then with foot nearest to wall reach across body and pull ball back across using your sole.
• switch feet after 1 min to 3 min

4. feint
• as ball comes back from wall fake towards ball and let it roll across body
• add in multiple feints (step overs, cruffys, zico’s, etc.) look up moves on YouTube
• switch feet after 1 min to 3min

5. 360
• pass ball with inside foot
• collect with sole and turn in a complete circle without stepping down
• must work on players being able to keep balance on one foot
• switch feet after 1 min to 3 min

6. Dummy ball
• let ball roll through legs
• chase ball down and perform a change of direction
• inside cut, outside cut, cap turn, etc.
• switch feet after 1 min to 3 min

PHASE IV Longer Distance (be 10 yards or further from the wall)
Make a tape “X” or small box or line on the wall. You need a target to shoot for!

1. 2 touch strike
• same foot or play opposite, try to hit target
• try to have no pause between collection and strike, on the balls of your feet
• switch feet after 1 min to 3 min

2. 2 touch in space
• pass and move, trying to play the ball to your new location every time.
• pass the ball with various surfaces (inside, outside, laces, sole, heal, toe poke)
• switch feet after 1 min to 3 min

3. strike after pass to wall
• pass with inside foot and position body to hit a first-time strike
• try to hit target
• could have multiple targets (think picking corners)
• inside, outside, laces strikes
• switch feet after 1 min to 3 min

4. Both legs Rapid fire
• 1 touch quick striking
• must keep good form, over the ball, think about where your plant foot is and your body position (Do I swing through the ball or not based on my strike?)
• switch feet after 1 min to 3 min